IEEE CEC 2021 welcomes submissions of original, previously unpublished innovative research in any topic of evolutionary computation. Please read the following paper submission guidelines before submitting your paper. Violation of any of the paper specifications may result in rejection of the paper.
General info:
Paper submission deadline: 31 January 2021
Paper length: Each paper must be in PDF form and should have 6 to 8 pages, including figures, tables, and references. A maximum of two extra pages per paper is allowed (i.e, up to 10 pages), at an additional charge of 100 USD (380 PLN) per extra page.
To help ensure correct formatting, please use the style files for IEEE Conference Proceedings - U.S. letter size - as templates for your submission (LaTeX or Word).
All papers must be submitted through the IEEE CEC 2021 online submission system.
For submitting in the current the Special Session, please select "SS-17. Nature-Inspired Intelligence at the service of Nature-Inspired Intelligence" of the drop-down list in the "Main research topic*:" field of the submission page.
Multiple submissions: IEEE CEC 2021 (and therefore, NIA2NIA-CEC2021) will not accept any paper that is under review, has been accepted, or has been published in any other venue at the time of submission or during the review process of IEEE CEC 2021.
Submission restrictions: There are no restrictions on the number of papers submitted by a single author. However, each accepted paper must have at least one of its authors with full registration to the conference. Full registration covers up to two accepted papers.
Review Process: Each paper will receive at least two reviews. The paper will be assessed based on originality, significance, adherence to the scientific method, correctness, clarity and quality of scientific presentation. The decision made on the paper by the Program Chairs is final.
Submission of accepted papers: In order for the papers to be included in the congress program and in the proceedings, final accepted papers must be submitted and the corresponding registration fees must be paid by 7 April 2021. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference to be included in the final IEEE Xplore proceedings.
Other info:
Confict of Interest: Papers co-authored by Special Session Chairs to their own Special Sessions will be handled independently by the Program Chair. Papers co-authored by the General Chairs, Program Chairs and Technical Chairs will be handled by the Conflict of Interest Chair.
Plagiarism policy: All papers submitted to IEEE CEC 2021 will be checked for plagiarism.